The Grass Agency
Product Design & Creative Direction
As a journalist and brand strategist, I've developed a knack for telling attention-grabbing stories. Before TGA, I spent seven years at Engadget, one of the world's most popular technology publications, working my way up from weekend blogger to Editor-in-Chief. I founded an award-winning digital magazine, managed a 24-hour global newsroom, and launched a $500,000 grant for the immersive arts.
My viral column and web series, Computer Love, which details the growing intimacy between humans and machines, has reached more than 25 million viewers worldwide.
You can read my work in Gossamer, BUTT, and Upon Paper; see my face on Dr. Oz and the BBC World Service Russia; and hear my voice on New York Magazine’s Sex Lives podcast. Here are some publications that have mentioned my writing and other projects: OUT, Vox, Glamour, Slate, Variety, The Advocate, Surface, Cool Hunting, Jane, Broccoli, and Gossamer.